Save the Garden

Friday, June 02, 2006

Getting a Clue

It seems there's been much more media attention over the past few days. Part of it is definitely tied to the star power of late (Darryl Hannah, Danny Glover and now Alicia Silverstone). Most of it is local but we did have ABC National in the gates for about an hour or so yesterday. And its definitley chaotic with all these cameras and journalists running around. But many of the activists here are fairly accustomed to it all. Julia Butterfly has been fasting for almost 3 weeks now and hasn't come out of the tree for more than an hour now and then. Darryl Hannah has also been in the tree for a long time.

But the local farmers are remaining resolute and that gives everyone hope. Many of the younger adults are absorbing all types of trainings, walk-throughs and other such activities that can only boost their confidence in the struggle to save their farm.

This morning Alicia Silverstone joined us and instantly was drawn to the families who welcomed her with breakfast, flowers! Who can say no to kids?! Silverstone took questions from about a dozen reporters while scooping up local children and greeting the farmers. Afterwards, she and Darryl were taken on a tour of the medicinal plants planted within the farm. About 130 different plants on the farm are used for various medicinal needs. I had a chance to get a few words from Silverstone in between the hubub (cameramen were on the hunt and were never further than 20 feet from her).


  • Nice Phit! Stay on it. Let's start talking about getting more of these sorts of community gardens started in other parts of LA as well in other cities.

    By Blogger Cameron L. Martindell, at 9:10 PM  

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